Construction Technology

The Premier Group employs industry recognized project management software and equipment to give our customers a seamless end to end experience. Complete with easy to use smartphone apps and progress photos uploaded daily you’ll never question, “What’s happening today?”
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Construction Software & New Construction

Building new is preferred over remodeling in a lot of ways because everything from your original idea can be planned from the ground up. The Premier Group uses best in industry practices to ensure that no detail is overlooked. New construction projects can encounter set-backs and delays when unforeseen circumstances are uncovered. We prevent delays and set-backs by conducting a professional site analysis, ample time for design and estimating so that when

we break ground on your new build project we can follow the plan we make with you to a ‘T’.

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Construction Technology

The Premier Group isn’t the local carpenter that your daddy used to use. Using industry leading construction technology gives us the ability to be completely transparent about the progress and permits of your project all along the way. We use drones whenever possible to encourage safety, accuracy and improve our quality control process. We use Builder Trend for our project management and construction management software. This tool is designed to give the project owner the best experience possible.

People over Products

The Premier Philosophy values people over technology. We try to employ simple technology solutions when they become available to benefit our customers but we know that the buck stops with your ability to access to your project manager in an emergency. We will never hide behind technology and will make sure that you can always reach us when you need to.

Customer service is the number one priority with The Premier Group. We aim to please with prompt professional responses that make everyone’s life easier.